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Music Showcase Instruments

Schedule Store Hours

Mon 3 pm — 7:00 PM
Tues 3 pm — 7:00 PM
Wed 3 pm — 7:00 PM
Thurs 3 pm — 7:00 PM
Fri closed

Our curriculum provides an opportunity for students to develop their talents without limits in whatever direction they wish to go. Not only performance skill, but comprehensive musical knowledge is included in the sequence of classes.


Students who purchase musical instruments at MUSIC SHOWCASE will be given priority to lessons. Those that choose to support other music stores will be scheduled as time permits.

Flat Rate Tuition

The payment of tuition reserves a place for students for one month of weekly 30 minute private lessons. This flat rate means that you pay the same amount whether there are 4 lessons in a month or 5 lessons in a month. There is no option to pay for individual lessons and there should be no expectation to receive a lesson before it is paid. This flat rate tuition is similar to the way group dance lessons and health club memberships have been for years, whereas music lessons are one on one individualized private instruction. Notification of the inability to attend a lesson is a courtesy to the teacher and we ask that you call at least 24 hours in advance. This procedure should be done by an adult.

Credits for teachers absences

When it becomes necessary for the teacher to cancel a lesson, that teacher will issue a valuable credit certificate for the amount of the credit. This certificate will be dated and signed by the teacher. The certificate will then be presented at the beginning of the next month when making payment. No credit will be issued without the certificate. Lost or misplaced certificates will not be re-issued. There will be NO credit for a student’s absence.

Payment of Tuition


There is no option to pay for lessons by credit or debit card.

EG: 4 or 5 lessons per month = $65.00

Online guitar lessons available now

Free guitar lessons for military Active / Veterans / dependents

Free music therapy also available. Go to

Parental Duties and Responsibilities

It is our purpose, with your help, to bring your child an education in instrumental music. In order for us to do this successfully, we must clearly understand our respective responsibilities and that is the purpose of this message. To begin with, we must make it perfectly clear that the child who is physically and mentally normal can, without question, learn and benefit from the study of instrumental music. Further, children with learning disabilities are often aided by the study of instrumental music.

These benefits come about because the study of instrumental music requires the student to assemble the various activities of the aural, visual and touch senses simultaneously. This assembly enables the senses to support and strengthen one another in such a way that training is received in concentration beyond that which any other academic subject can offer. So, while we are all for the enjoyment and social advantages which instrumental music can bring your child, we tend to think of them as bonuses. The real reason for instrumental music is it’s ability to help your child learn how to learn.

It is a fact that usually children do not drop out of music. Parents do. Responsibility for staying with the consistent learning program is yours, not your child’s. Learning music is a try and try again process and successes are extremely important. Your child might become discouraged one day. It is normal. At this point, let your child know that you realize the problem and that you’re proud that he/she is working at it. Gentle encouragement is needed, both in the classroom and at home, if your child is to achieve the success he/she deserves. While he/she should not be forced, it is important the he/she attend classes on a regular basis. Set aside a regularly scheduled time each day for practice. Do not leave it for chance or interrupt a favorite play time. Give the child your support and we will take it from there.

The successful parental approach has proven to be one of firm but quiet resolve by both parents that the child will benefit from a music education. If you want your child to have an education in instrumental music, you must expect it of the child. While a knowledge of music is valuable at this point, it is not a necessity. The success of the child depends first and foremost on parental interest. Music study for your child represents a sizable investment on your part, but a most worthwhile one. If you are going to make this investment, you must continually bear in mind that it is up to you, not your child, if the investment is to pay dividends. The only variable is your own attitude, and the necessary ingredient for success is your interest.

There is no such thing as a person who does not like music, nor is there one who would not like to be able to play a musical instrument. But the going does get tough sometimes in the study of instrumental music.

If you are willing to help your child pass the tough parts in music study, perhaps more music will be learned, and perhaps more will come from it than the built-in educational benefit. Maybe there will also be a valuable lesson in living.

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